Salaam Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu,

Today being July 4th, 2020, our plan was to be in Atlanta, Georgia partaking in yet another Young Adult Summer Retreat. However, as we all know, we can only plan but Allah (swt) is the best of planners.
I am writing to share with you why we have decided to suspend both the in-person and virtual Young Adult Summer Retreat (YASR) for the year 2020. The highly personal interactions synonymous with YASR have always been a hallmark of the unique experience we offer our membership.

Challenges and Values
This pandemic has been challenging for our membership and families emotionally, physically, and financially. It was difficult for all of us to abruptly deviate from our regular way of life and find a way to adjust and adapt. We are grateful to the NCNMO leadership for all their hard work in supporting our communities during this time.

Our commitment to our members and values as a community will always inform our plans and any changes we may need to make going forward. We will need to own these values and our plans together.

We value the health and safety of all our members and their families. We value providing programs that are true to our mission, one that has an unwavering focus on Islam and professional development on a daily basis.

The APC Way – Taking Care of One Another
The most profound gift given to us as Muslims and as human beings is our ability to care for one another. That is why we chose not to have an in-person program for YASR as well as do away with the virtual program. Many of our executive members and members who would plan the virtual replacement currently serve on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response in their various cities, a sacrifice they have all made willingly. We pray that Almighty Allah rewards them for their efforts and protects them always.

What’s Next
In order to continue to serve our membership and ensure that we are still able to fulfill our mission, Advanced Platform Committee will be launching a podcast in the next coming weeks! This platform will serve as a way to provide engaging, thought-provoking, educational programming right to your homes. Additionally, we are in the process of creating a database of entrepreneurs and their businesses within our ranks in order to ensure that we continue to support one another during these times.

I pray that Almighty Allah continues to protect us and our loved ones from all forms of calamity. Amin.