Our forward-looking leadership team is made up of focused, dedicated and experienced young professionals working together to fulfill our mission.
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Our Mission & Vision
“Establish and provide an Islamic alternative for the youth”
The Advanced Platform Committee (APC) was initiated in 2004 by a group of sincere and dedicated youth who have found a need to provide the community youth with an alternative to help combat current youth problems. The goals of the APC are to establish and provide an Islamic alternative for the youth and to continue working with the broader community for generations to come.
Latest Message
Platform 2024
Orlando, Florida
December 22-26, 2024
Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia
Matrimonial Service
Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia
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Summer 2020 Updates
Salaam Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu, Today being July 4th, 2020, our plan was to be in Atlanta, Georgia partaking in yet another Young Adult Summer Retreat. However, as we all know, we can only plan but Allah (swt) is the best of planners. I am writing to share...
Weekly Wednesday Ramadan Program
Salaam Aleikum! We hope all is with you and your family and that everyone is keeping safe! We hope your Ramadan is going well thus far. May Almighty Allah continue to bless us all and accept all our acts of Ibadah. Amin. As a part of APC's Muslims on the Move...
Youth Amir’s Message
By Hameed Bello, APC Amir, 2019 – 2021 Youth Amir’s Message اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ I am humbled, honored and privileged to assume the role of Youth Amir of the National Council of Nigerian Muslim Organizations, USA (2019 –...